
Mexican Hot Chocolate Recipe

By November 10, 2017 No Comments

It’s immunity season! We can support our immune systems through the changing seasons with warming culinary herbs and superfoods that create simple and delicious recipes and promote a healthy, warming glow throughout the body – from complexion to digestion. Click here to download the Discover What’s Inside Guide and curated recipe for November’s Box. 


What You’ll Need:

  • 1 Disc of Taza Cinnamon Stone Ground Chocolate
  • 1 cup of Water Or Milk of Choice
  • Knife or grater
  • Pinch of salt


  1. Roughly chop or grate 1 disc of Taza Chocolate and set aside.
  2. Heat 1 cup of water or milk in a saucepan over medium heat to just below a simmer.
  3. Remove the milk from heat and add a pinch of salt.
  4. Slowly mix in the chocolate.
  5. When the chocolate is dissolved, return the mixture to the stove and re-warm over low heat.
  6. While the chocolate is warming, use a whisk or molinillo to froth the chocolate.
  7. When the chocolate is hot and frothy, remove from heat and serve immediately.

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